Outfit Of The Week 12/22/24 – 12/28/24

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
This week’s edition of “OOTW” features what I wore yesterday on Christmas Day.
By this point, you’re all well-aware of the fact that I have made it a tradition to wear my green, bulldog tie on Christmas Day, and, as you can see, I made sure to uphold that tradition.
I was also very excited to debut my tweed, three-piece suit from House Of Bruar that my wife bought me for my birthday back in July. I hadn’t yet had a change to actually wear it, beyond just trying it on in front of the mirror, and I felt that Christmas Day was the perfect time for its maiden voyage.

Accompanying my tie and suit, I wore a pale yellow, checked shirt from Charles Tyrwhitt, burgundy Bass Weejun loafers, and a white, linen pocket square.

I hope your Christmas was as lovely as mine! The boys woke up at around 6:30am which was actually much later than my wife and I anticipated! After opening presents and having breakfast, my wife and I straightened up the house a bit in preparation for my sister, my brother-in-law, and his mother coming to visit. Once they arrived, we spent the rest of the day and evening sitting by the fire, drinking wine, and eating fabulous food that my wife and sister prepared.
Getting back to my outfit for the day… I kept saying to my wife how comfortable my suit was! I love the fit, as it’s roomy enough to feel like pajamas, but trim enough to not look sloppy. I also loved the addition of the waistcoat since it made it very easy to tend to the children and the fireplace without my tie flopping all over the place.
Next week’s “OOTW” will feature what I wore on New Year’s Eve, so stay tuned!
Have a wonderful weekend!