Outfit Of The Week 6/16/24 – 6/22/24

Well, another Father’s Day come and gone! I hope you all had a marvelous day this past Sunday. I know I did!
I had a pretty perfect day. I slept in. My wife made me eggs Benedict for breakfast. Throughout the day we had champagne and martinis. I was able to get outside to chop wood. I spent some time writing. My wife even made a fire in the firepit outside and made s’mores for the boys and me!
All in all, a really spectacular day!
For our dinner date, after we put the kids to bed, we decided get dressed up (which we always do for special nights). This is the outfit I would like to highlight for this week’s edition of “OOTW”.
This was on Sunday night, obviously, so the hot spell hadn’t come through yet and the evening was quite cool (we live in the northeast and don’t have AC in the house). The cool night allowed me to wear a double-breasted jacket and tie, for which I was thankful.

One of the reasons I love wearing a double-breasted jacket is its practicality. When you’re bustling around the house, a double-breasted jacket will keep your tie from flapping around due to the fact that it’s always fastened. This jacket is from Charles Tyrwhitt. It’s a twill weave and is very soft. I also like the structured shoulders and moderately wide lapels. The width of the lapels is pretty middle-of-the-road meaning that this jacket is not going to look dated in a few years when the comically large lapel fad fades.

My shirt and tie were also from Charles Tyrwhitt. The shirt was a simple, white, spread collar, French-cuff shirt. The tie was a purple grenadine. The cufflinks I wore were gold Irish knots I received as a gift when I graduated high-school.

For my trousers, I wore a pair of very light wool, grey, herringbone pants from Men’s Wearhouse. I love these because they provide such wonderful contrast with the dark jackets I usually wear. I also really like the subtle herringbone pattern. They are also very light and airy so they are perfect for warm weather.

I also decided to use some red suspenders with these trousers. I usually like to wear suspenders with double-breasted jackets. When I’m wearing single-breasted jackets and I’m using a belt to hold up my pants, I’ll periodically need to pull my pants up a smidge. Suspenders keep your pants in the exact same place all day, so no hiking is needed. Since a double-breasted jacket covers the waistband of the pants all the time, any pants-hiking would be much more difficult, hence the need for the suspenders.
My shoes were my burgundy Bass Weejuns. If I were going to wear this outfit out in public, I would have worn some black captoes, but I was just relaxing at home and didn’t feel like tying real shoes.
My Father’s Day was really special and I feel incredibly lucky to have such amazing people in my life. I feel very blessed to have such a beautiful family.
Have a wonderful weekend!