Outfit Of The Week 2/2/25 – 2/8/25

I am posting this week’s “OOTW” a little early as we are expecting to get a big dump of snow tomorrow that might knock out our power/internet. Ah, the joys of living in the middle of nowhere!
This week’s outfit is a very comfortable ensemble I wore while working remotely and is a casual departure from the tuxedos, sport coats, and tweed suits of the past few months.

The standout piece is a pair of dark navy corduroy pants from Brooks Brothers that my wife bought me for Christmas this past year. I just got the pants back from the tailor as the hems needed a slight adjustment and I am very pleased to be able to wear them.

I have always felt a great way to get comfortable upping your style game is to wear slightly more elevated pieces around the house. That can look like swapping out your jeans for something like chinos or cords. With cords, they’re just as comfortable and hard-wearing as jeans but the real benefit is that they don’t feel like “dress pants”. They’re casual, so you can still wear them with a t-shirt and flannel but they allow you to go a little further into the deep end with maybe a tucked-in oxford shirt. If you’re a very casual guy looking for a way to wear classic menswear without feeling like you’re going to the Met Gala, swapping out your jeans for corduroys is a good place to start.
One huge benefit of these cords is the warmth they provide. The room I was working in gets pretty cold but I was quite comfortable all day in these pants. As for the fit, they are roomy, which I prefer. They are single-pleated, but the pleats are so small they are largely ornamental and, given the wales of the corduroy, hardly noticeable.
Up top, I wore a flannel work-shirt under my cable-knit, Aran sweater.

I’ve been wearing this sweater most days recently as I never get tired of it. The final layer was a new navy, wool overshirt from Filson (another Christmas gift from my wife).

The shirt was intended to be worn during chopping wood, but it’s so soft and comfortable that I’ve been wearing it as a “house shirt” and light jacket. I had to pop it on towards the end of the work day when the room started to get really chilly.
For footwear, I wore my Carolina-brand, steel-toe, logger boots. I’ll post a review of these boots soon, so I won’t get into too much detail here, but I’m very satisfied with them.

To top things off, I wore my blue, “Made In Ireland”, wool/cashmere hat.

The next couple weeks are going to involve some interesting outfits as there will be some family travel, an office visit, Valentine’s Day, and a few snowstorms! Stay tuned!