Outfit Of The Week 1/5/25 – 1/11/25

This week’s edition of “OOTW” features an outfit I wore for my wife’s birthday.
This year, my wife’s birthday fell on a Monday. Both boys had school, but we both decided to take the day off and go on a nice breakfast date and then bum around town, go shopping, and then have some lunch.

The day was cold so I wanted to wear some layers, as I knew we’d be outside for a good chunk of the day.
Here is what my outfit consisted of…
Brown, check, tweed jacket from Charles Tyrwhitt.

Blue OCBD.
Burgundy, cashmere, v-neck sweater.
Grey, wool-blend, flannel trousers.

Brown shoes.
For my outerwear, I wore my L.L. Bean barn coat and my brown, tweed cap.

Honestly, this outfit might have been in the top three of the most comfortable outfits I have worn in recent memory. Everything was just so cozy and soft!
Sometimes there are some outfits that just “click” with you for whatever reason and just feel like “you”. This outfit was one of those for me. I feel like I could wear this outfit every day forever and be perfectly content.
This outfit is actually a variation of the “Perfect Business Casual Uniform”. The great thing about the combo of “jacket, OCBD, sweater” is that it can be whatever you need it to be. It’s appropriate for most offices. It looks great on dates (especially daytime dates, given the warm tones and country feel). This combo is so soft and comfortable that I wouldn’t think twice about just wearing it around the house, even if I didn’t have anywhere to go.
I’m really happy my wife had a nice time on her birthday. We even discovered that going out for a nice breakfast date is something we want to make a regular thing! We’ve already talked about what days to use our PTO so we can do this again.
Have a wonderful weekend!